Standing Together Against Oppression: A Call to Action

There is nothing more gross than what is going on in Israel. To know this is going on and not use your authority to stop it is weird. It is bad. We wake up knowing that we stand for all humanity. I’m a Muslim. I stand with all my Jewish siblings here, and Christians, and anything. It doesn’t matter if they’re Hindu, it doesn’t matter if they’re Jewish, if they’re Christian, if they’re LGBT, if they’re atheist. We’re not stupid and what they don’t know is that we will come every single meeting. We will pack every single chair. And every single time we will be in their faces. And whether they like it or not, they will hear us. And whether they like it or not, they are going to divest from apartheid Israel whether it’s us forcing them to or them doing it on their own accord. It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. It is our duty to win.