Prioritizing Mental Health: A Day in the Life of Jiru, Co-founder of Hero Cosmetics

You have to block off the times that you want to block off for your own, I think, mental health. I don’t think we can expect anyone to be on all the time 24-7. I’m Jiru. I’m one of the co-founders of Hero Cosmetics. I’m 45 and this is my daily routine. We recently just moved to LA actually and so now my day starts earlier versus before. I used to live in Paris and my day would start a little bit later. I wake up around 6 in the morning. I start with breakfast. Usually like two eggs and a piece of toast or something like that with my coffee. I’ll go up to my desk and I catch up on emails and I catch up on work things I need to do. I start taking calls around 7 or 8 in the morning. So I’ll get on my Zooms and things and then I usually break for lunch around noon or so. I always prepare lunch for myself. I’ll take calls. It’s my catch up time sometimes. So if I don’t have meetings it’s when I’m doing like my thinking work. Because my day starts earlier, I end earlier. I go to the gym around 3 to 4. We just got a Pilates reformer machine and so I’ve been doing more Pilates on my off days. And then I try to incorporate walks because we now live in LA, the weather’s really great. And then prepare dinner and then we wind down. My husband and I we’re just we’re always watching something on TV so we’ll pull up Netflix or we’ll pull up a movie. So the time that I fall asleep I would say probably around 10 p.m. So if I’m in bed around like 930 to 940 and then I’ll read a few pages and then I drift off and I go to sleep.