From College Musicals to Movie Stardom: How Kate Found Her Role as ‘Weird Barbie’

knew Kate, you guys went to college together, how do you approach your friend and say, hey I’ve got a role in a movie for you fabulous, yeah, it’s weird Barbie. Yes, I texted Kate and I said hi it’s Greta, are you around to talk and she wrote hey Gergis I’m extremely busy and then she sent a picture of her cat drinking water out of the spigot in the bathtub. She was like just kidding, call me anytime. It felt sort of surreal because I’ve known her since I was like 18 and there was something kind of amazing about it because I was like we were just kids making these musicals that people thought were annoying-ish in college and now this is happening. I said something like well you know those Barbies, you play with way too much and you cut their hair and you draw on them and she said that’s all I had, yes, my cat peed on them and I was like that’s right, exactly, I was like that Barbie and she was like I could not want to do something more. She was like right away she knew what it was and it was just instant I sent her the script and she said yep, see you there.