Bizarre Drama Unfolds Among Team USA Players: The Curious Case of Jason Tatum and Anthony Edwards

An anonymous Team USA player reportedly told Jason Tatum though more or most why you stretching Bro we still roasting Jason Tatum the Olympics happened days ago, man You know what’s fucked up somebody in the comments said it had to be Anthony Edwards I believe it. I believe Anthony Edwards would be the one to say that Somebody says stretching to hand out water is crazy zero minutes 11 dapples 18 let’s go Seven field waters and one seat warmed and then you got Jason Tatum talking about the Kermit Boston Celtics would beat the Kermit Team USAT Naffa Stealth Curry LeBron James and Kevin Amaran That’s enough right there. Then you got Anthony Edwards Anthony Davis Bad amount of bite man. Nah, bro. Let’s stop the cap at this point The only way you can stop this hate is to go win a MVP