Unfair Twists and Turns: The Controversial Case of Jordan Childs at the Olympics

Did you know Jordan Childs is the only gymnast in the history of the Olympics to be stripped of a medal for a reason other than drugs or lying about age? This is all because the judges at the Olympics didn’t do their job right and now Jordan is suffering the consequences. If you’re confused, here’s a timeline of everything that happened, but stick with me because it’s a little bit messy. August 5th, Jordan competed in the women’s floor exercise final and got fifth place. Her coaches appealed the score, saying the judges missed one of her moves. The judges agreed, gave her more points, and that pushed her into third place, beating out Team Romania. That led to this iconic moment, but the excitement was short-lived. There’s a weird rule in this situation where a coach has one minute after they get the score to appeal it. Team Romania was obviously sad that their gymnast got beat out and they were like, USA missed that deadline. And sure as shit, on August 10th, the Court of Arbitration for Sports, or CAS, determined that Jordan’s coaches submitted the appeal four seconds late. August 11th, Jordan was ordered to return her bronze medal and the medal would go to Team Romania. That same day, Team USA was like, we actually have video proof that shows Jordan’s coaches appealing before the one-minute deadline. August 12th, CAS was like, sorry, we’re not gonna reconsider, even if there’s evidence. August 13th, Team USA was like, we are not going down without a fight and we’re gonna be working every day to get justice for Jordan. That brings us to August 14th, and this is a weird twist. Apparently, one of the people on the CAS panel, AKA one of the people who made the decision to take the bronze medal away from Team USA and give it to Team Romania, has represented Romania in other legal battles. So this feels like a conflict of interest. CAS was like, too bad, the panel is what it is. The panel has gone silent on social media to protect your mental health. What do you think about this?