The Productive Day: Managing Chores, Podcast Editing, and Veggies Galore

a nap. You’re tired. That’s what the little voice is saying in the back of my head but little voice were running off the enthusiasm. Got right to some urgent emails and then headed to the stove. Who needs a knife to chop up broccoli? I guess I do because I use it for the carrots. Anyway, I’ve been spicing up things with my boy dinner because people have been grilling me that I need to add more veggies. And so I gave it a try. I finally got my creatine. This stuff makes a huge difference. Ben’s slacking with that and I am home so I do have some chores to do. Then got right into editing this podcast. I love listening to myself speak. Not in a narcissistic way but it’s actually one of the best ways to become a better speaker. Ended up the night with sweet treat Trump and Elon and bed.