Striving to Make a Difference: The Journey of the OG Changing Lives

Ladies and gentlemen, I remember the OG changing life last year. I was looking at shoes for this young man from Buff Bay Portland. He’s size 18. He can’t find a size 18 piece. But one thing I know, I’m not going to find a size 18. But the one thing I’m going to do is make sure he get clothes, clothes and food, etc. moving forward. But you look at his foot, he might have a big foot. He can’t find a size 18. I wish I could find a size 18. Tell the people then what size are we? Size 18. He can’t find a size 18. So ladies and gentlemen, if anyone out there can find a size 18 in any state, reach out to me and buy it and I will send you your money back. Size 18 wide. Size 18 wide. And like I said, the man himself write us up. You have to trash him out. And everything else. But the shoes part, not going to work. So that’s what we’re going to do. And right now you’re there, sir, wait a minute. We want to eat right here. So we have everything right here. We have bun and cheese. We have this. We have everything in this place. Somebody send you out. Somebody send you out. You want to come back? You want to come back? You want to come back? Where you want to go? You want a soda? I don’t want a soda. You shouldn’t sell beer. Just look in the fridge and tell me where you want it. Give me this. You want orange juice? Yes. And what else? You want bun, you want cheese? Yes. And when you look, like I said, we have a soda. Make sure you look like me. Clean like me and look like me. Yes. So we have to get the bun. And soda. Anything else, look in the shop and tell me if you need anything else. Look in the shop. What is that? Ginger beer. Ginger beer. Ginger beer. Yes. And the bun. We have to get the bun. That’s it. Yes. You see anything else where you want? Yes. All right. That’s all you want. Yes. Put it in the bag. I’m taking care of all of this. Yes. That’s what we’re here for. To help people like you. Yes. All right. So we have to tell the camera, sir. One, two, three, four. Just say thank you. Thank you. Mr. OG Changing Life. Mr. OG Changing Life. Thank you. All right. Now yourself, man. One love. All right. One love. Boom.