Unconventional Reuse: The Art of Repurposing in Ethnic Households

You know how ethnic parents reuse everything? Like they don’t let you chuck out anything because they can repurpose it for something, right? Like we have about 35 jars of this. I don’t even know what we’re gonna use it for. Anyway, and like I use the ice cream containers for like water and other. Explain to me why this is in the dishwasher, explain. Why? Why has a Macca’s sweet and sour sauce been put in the dishwasher? Why are we going to reuse this for what? Explain to me for what? Like why can we just not throw things in the bin? Like why does there have to be a repurpose for every single item? Like it’s a sweet and sour sauce bro, why, why, why is it in the washing? What do you think this is gonna be reused for? I would love to know what anyone thinks we would possibly use this for. Like are we gonna put, is this gonna be like the ashtray for the nuts? I don’t get it.