Title: The Power of Language: Manifesting Abundance and Greatness Through Mindful Speech

When you really listen to a person and the words they’re saying, you can really tell what they think about themselves, what they think about you, what they think about their future. And what I realized is that a lot of people use language that indicates that they don’t think their current situation can get better. A lot of people use language that doesn’t indicate that they believe they have greatness in them. A lot of people use language that indicates that they don’t think that miracles happen or abundance is possible. For instance, what is the difference between someone saying, I’m broke, I can’t afford it, versus when I can afford it. I’m broke, I can’t do it, versus when I have the money, I’ll do it. Because you’re expecting that abundance is on the horizon. You’re expecting to not stay in your current situation. You’re expecting better. And so language is everything. We really have to train ourselves to be very mindful of what we speak because it manifests and words are very, very powerful. I’ve mentioned before, it’s one of the things that’s always fascinated me with books and reading. You know, TV is more visual, but books you have to process the words. And sometimes you may not understand the words, so it requires you to go to the dictionary or what have you. And so I just, again, want us to be really, really mindful of our language. How are you speaking? Are you speaking like you expect your current situation to always stay the same if you’re not happy with it? You’re expecting that it’s going to get better. When I get better, when my body is healed, when I have the money to do it, versus I don’t have it. And then it’s just done there as if you never expect to have it. Change those words, change those words.