The Unexpected Challenges of C-Section Recovery: Navigating Soreness and Sensitivities Postpartum

Something that I haven’t talked about that I feel like maybe I should is my c-section recovery. So for context, I had a planned c-section because my son was breech because he was too big. He didn’t have any room to flip and so he just didn’t and when they pulled him out of me, the nurse came to me and said thank God he was breech. You would have been an emergency seat because his shoulders are too wide. He came out looking like a linebacker. I’m not sure why. He was 9’4″. For reference, I’m 5’2″. My husband is 5’4″. We’re very tiny people. I don’t know why our son is so big but that’s besides the point. Something with my recovery that I didn’t expect was for my area around my scar to be sore for this long. I am almost four months postpartum and it’s still super tender around my scar. If I wear denim for long periods of time, my scar is uncomfortable. I’m still numb around the area. My day-to-day life is fine but sometimes I’ll touch it or my son will kick it and I’m like, how? And it still kind of hurts. As far as the actual wound goes, the wound is fine. Everything is great and hooray. My doctor did say that if I have another c-section, she would use staples instead of stitches on me. My body didn’t take the stitches super well but I like healed okay. I just didn’t expect to be sore for this long and so if you plan on getting c-section, just know that. I had a great experience. My doctor was great. My c-section experience was beautiful and I really have no beef about it. It’s just stuff that I didn’t know.