Navigating Emotions: A Biblical Perspective on Guarding Your Heart and Mind

controlled by your emotions and you only make decisions based off your emotions, the Bible says you are an easy target for the devil to manipulate. Now God created you the way that you are. He created you to have emotions. He created you to feel this is how you know the presence of God. But at the same time, your emotions can lead you astray. Your feelings can lead you into the wrong direction. In fact, sometimes your feelings can lead you to hell. Because you walk away from God and his truth and say, I know what the Bible says, but my feelings are telling me to go this way, follow my heart’s desire. Right? This is the relationship I want to be in. This is what I want to do in my life. I’m tired of living that life. But the Bible also says that your heart is the most deceitful of all things. Paul taught us how to guard our mind even from our own emotions. And he states in Ephesians 4, verse 26 and 27, and he stated, do not let the passion of your emotions lead you to sin. It’s okay to feel a certain way, bring it to God. But if you are consumed by anger, don’t allow anger to control your mouth because now you’re going to say something you’re going to regret. This Paul’s stating, he’s saying Satan loves to manipulate your emotions to get an open door into your mind.