Disney Sticker Art Unboxing: Discovering Double Delights and Galactic Surprises!

Do you love Disney, Disney, Disney, Disney? Then just look at this Disney sticker art. Right guys, here is another Diamond print Disney 100. Let’s see if I’ve got any doubles in this pack. Here we go! Disney, Disney, Disney, Disney, Disney, Disney, Disney. I’ve got Yoda. You have to be strong, Disney one. I haven’t got Yoda. Look, I am your father. Darth Vader. I haven’t got that one. And look, look for the necessities, the simple necessities. Forget about your worries and your strife. So no, I haven’t got any doubles on that one. Let’s open another one. Come on, come on. You know you want to. Let’s do it. I’m feeling good about this one. Oh, I think I’ve got him. Pretty sure I’ve got him, but I don’t know who he is. I’ve got, oh, Piglet. And I’ve got Hulk. So I think that is just one double. I think I’ve got this one. I’ll have a look through. Last pack guys, come on. Here we go. Wish me luck, wish me luck, because I don’t want any more doubles. Is that a different Darth Vader or is that exactly the same? It’s in a different position, isn’t it? Do you think these Darth Vader’s are just like… No, that’s definitely not Darth Vader. So I’ve got two Darth Vader’s but in different positions, so that’s good. I got another Star Wars one. I’m no good at Star Wars. I’ve watched it but I’m not a good… Oh, look, and I’ve got Baby Yoda, which is not Baby Yoda. I can’t think of its name. Mandalorian? No. Baby Yoda. What’s he called? Groku. That’s who we’ve got. So yeah, I’m not sure who that one is. Oh, a Red Storm Trooper. I can’t remember. And I’m not sure who that one is either, the red or the black one. Think I’ve got that one. I’ll have a look. So yeah, grab them today while they’re in stock. They’re selling out so quick.