The Vital Trio: Unveiling the Power of Vitamin D, K2, and Magnesium for Optimal Health

But they didn’t tell you about vitamin D. I’m going to tell you right now. There’s an actual trio that you need when it comes to vitamin D. You’ve heard me talk about this before if you’ve been following me for any amount of time. Vitamin D3 is actually a hormone. It’s crucial for bone health. It’s crucial for your immune function and mood regulation. However, vitamin D3’s effectiveness is greatly enhanced when we take something like vitamin K2. Also, magnesium. Most people are deficient in magnesium. Vitamin K2 directs calcium where to go and where the body needs it the most to our bones and our teeth rather than arteries which can actually cause harm. This makes K2 a critical player in maintaining not only bone health but also cardiovascular health. This is the magic of vitamin K2. Now, what happens when we take magnesium with this? Magnesium assists in the activation of vitamin D. Without sufficient magnesium, vitamin D remains stored and inactive. You’re not going to get the full benefits no matter how much you take. So, together, better. Better together. Here’s what I recommend to effectively increase vitamin D. Number one, you want to aim for at least 10 to 20 minutes of midday sun several times a week depending on your skin tone and location. You also want a diet that is rich in fatty foods like fish, fortified foods, egg yolks, liver. For K2, you can think of raw cheese which I love. I’m a big raw cheese guy. You can think of eggs, butter. For magnesium, nuts, seeds, dark leafy greens, chlorophyll, moringa, you know I love this stuff. And I also love natto, the Japanese fermented soybean. Natto is one of my favorite things just to sprinkle on food here and there. Call me the crazy guy.