Grandpa’s Forgotten Treasures: Snap-on and Mac Tools from the Navy

Here are the tools that my grandfather stole from actually the Navy, not the Air Force. He worked on airplanes for the Navy. Disclaimer, my grandfather didn’t actually steal these tools. These were just stuff that he forgot about in his pockets and forgot to return. So all the Navy people don’t come knocking on my door. First up on the snap-on stuff that I found was this 60s quarter inch ratchet, which barely turned yet still turned when I found it. I set it in a cup of oil for five minutes and it now works like brand new. That’s a testament to snap-on quality right there. This thing is actually very clean minus the rust right there, which I’m just too lazy to clean off. And there’s actually a snap-on socket on it. There you go, there’s you a better front and back view. This is actually a wall piece just because I have a new one and these are really hard to find in this condition. This is a snap-on half inch extension and you’re just going to have to take my word for it because it has an asset number and I’m not going to put that on the internet. I actually got some Mac tools as well.