Unveiling the Illusion of Feminism: A Critical Analysis of Patriarchy, Exploitation, and Capitalism in Modern Society

Let’s take the real lesson from this whole nightmare. A bumble that women can absolutely be foot soldiers of patriarch. They don’t care about us, especially girl buses.

Those roosters come in the, what do you call it, rooster web because this woman seems to miss the Mark all the time. And yet she’s learning and growing and trying to do better, but she still keeps messing the point. And I’m gonna go, I’m doing a little deep dive on her. I already did the Bumble. I don’t have much to say about Bumble. I am gonna dress their little apology. I’m gonna give you a little bit more of a story on Whitney and her oil tycoon husband. Sounds like a slacker bunch of nepple babies. Nepple baby. But she’s a self made billionaire. Okay. And then I’m also gonna tie it to my own personal story of how a women’s magazine absolutely exploited me, multiple ones did, as a writer and made me look like, oh God, just hold on when I was at Occupy Roll Wall Street. So we are gonna go on a wild ride here.

I hope you are prepared, bubble. And also, I’m supposed to remind people, cuz I’m really bad at it. So, and I feel bad telling y’all I have a Patreon. You don’t have to join it free. You can join it for free. Just get update the tiers, include alive questionnaire, personal stories, all that stuff. Do you do you but the link is in my description and I have a lot of fun over there. So I hope you check it out anyway.

Anyway, sorry, I hate doing that. He hates it too. The point of this video and also what I got out of being a history major is that just because, oh, a woman is doing something doesn’t mean it’s necessarily any better. And if she’s not truly educated on the intersections of oppression and how capitalism plays into all that as well, she’s gonna miss the Mark. I am still learning and I’m gonna miss the Mark too.

Glad I do my best to keep trying to educate myself in listening, especially people who have lived experiences that I don’t now. What is my experience at Occupy Wall Street have anything to do with the billionaire? Well, I promise I’m gonna connect the DOC now. I already covered this nonsense.

Bumble’s dumb billboard Val, celibacy is not the answer. This is one I saw on Twitter that was in London. I guess you don’t have to resort to making eye contact on the two. Thou shalt not give up on dating and become a 9.

I’m. I just wanna remind people that this had to go through all of these, all this had to go through so many people to get approved. This was a massive budget. Who is doing your marketing? Y’all, did y’all hire a little in smells? Where’s my puppet? Oh, my God. Where’s my puppet? Did you hire one of these podcast bros to write this? Because y’all are literally using and spell language.

I mean, this is, this reminds me of an issue of a climber magazine back when I was in my early 20, and they had a schmegelize, a woman on the cover wearing like a bikini or something and climbing. The only woman they ever put in the cover. And they totally should exercise. And women wrote in and we’re like, this is messed up. Can you do not do this? We’re athlete. And they’re like, oh, maybe you should go to Afghanistan and wear burka. That was their response. Like the editor in chief. I’ve been meaning to do a video on that whole nonsense, but this is what y’all are doing.

Oh, you don’t wanna date men because they’re unalive in it. Someone on Bumble literally was dismembered. Giving up on dating does not necessarily lead to being a nun. And as somebody who is celebrated for 12 years during my like primary reading, whatever you call it, not consecutively, but 5 years and then little plucker around being like, no thank you. And then two years and then try it again. No thank you.

Somebody who decentered men before I even knew that’s what I was doing or that it’s actually one of the things I’m most proud of. For all of my 20s and half my 30, celibacy was the answer for me. That is why I had such a cool life. My biggest gripe with Bumble is that they sold themselves as a feminist. And when an empowerment mad and like I said before, how is it empowering to send the first message? I, we don’t chasing men is not feminism.

But let’s just look at this. So in response to this. Great point, bumbled native Farkoff and stop trying to shame women into coming back to the app instead of them to run ads targeted at Mac, telling them to be normal. This response right here, by the way, I love following her. Someone who worked in the film industry and was around big celebrities all the time. I never really was like, good. I was like, anyway, but when she follow me back, I screamed, one day I’m gonna have the courage. Ask some of the amazing people that I follow, who follow me back that I really, we’d love to talk to you. One day I’m gonna have the courage to reach out if I have a podcast, maybe, I don’t know, I have to have something, but she’s someone I would love to interview. I highly suggest you follow Uja Anya on Twitter across all platform. I have Learned so much just from following her, not to mention her other work. But jet, like he always has the best take.

Look at this. Men are. I did not know that. This is why it makes sense. Men are 76% of Bumble use. Bumble’s main business model is selling men access to women. Bumble won’t alienate their primary customers, men, telling them to quit being hacked. They’ll run ads like this to make their product women, right? We’re what they’re selling better and more available on their app for. This is why we’re so pissed. Some people like whatever, it’s a dating app, blah, blah. No, that this woman became a billionaire selling us and she had never used the app.

Wednesday. Hey, Whitney, whatever your name is, a billionaire lady who started by. She’s only been on one date from a dating app and it was bad. And then she creates this whole thing and is, oh, I’m not done. So this conversation right here, I love both of them, but follow Carolyn. I just think it’s kind of not so ironic that the owner of that platform recently said she sees AI being a viable tool of matching people in the future. Someone who thinks like that clearly doesn’t value humans and has positive, meaningful human actions and connection.

So I just found that she went on one date on tender and it didn’t work out. That’s before she met her husband through friends, families, friends, like someone introduced. So she didn’t made her own oil tycoon. You might as well have like a, whatever you call that glass piece in their eye, like Bollywood, like monopoly looking dude. But use this app once created, help create 10 and then created another one. It has women getting unalive on and she’s like, wow, she absolutely does. First of all, she’s a billionaire. She absolutely doesn’t believe in like human, humanity and community and connection. Cuz she admitted that she actually created burnout culture, where in her business we probably perpetuated burnout culture.

The reality is I did work around the clock for too many years, and it was very unhealthy. I missed a lot of life. There was way too many weeks that went without talking to loved ones. Weeks, y’all. Or family members or checking on my grandma. And I regret. And those I regret. I have. So there is no such thing as an ethical billionaire, in my opinion. But she’s a billionaire cuz she’s been selling us. Please do not forget that I lost my 20s. Since I was 22, I have felt like a machine. Yep.