Debts, Excuses, and Confrontations: A Day in the Life of Tommy Tirepants

Hey, is that Stunner? Yeah, long time man. Hey listen, do me three misery and three pain. Yeah yeah, where have I got to go? Oh trade station, oh my god it’s going to take me about ten minutes. Alright, I’m on my way now mate. Is that Tommy Tirepants? He owes me 750 quid man. Damn Tommy, stay there, you owe me money man, you owe me 750 quid, I want it. Oh my god it’s Heath J. I ain’t seen him, I ain’t seen him. Tommy really? It’s not like you can run off anywhere. Stop man, don’t be so stupid. Stop. Alright Heath J, I ain’t got your money mate. You social stopped me money. My mum took all the rent money off me. I ain’t got a penny and I’m late for it. Larry bruv, Larry P’s. Are you for real Tommy? I’ve heard every excuse under the sun mate, are you? I tell you what, you’ve got a week to pay me otherwise I’m going to come looking for you mate. Whether your mother’s there or not. Make sure you pay Tommy. Yeah whatever, alright. I’m on it then, Swinson. Yes don’t know, I’ll be there in two minutes.