Spicy Taco Bowl with Fresh Protein Chips: A Deliciously Simple Lunch Recipe

Oh my god y’all, this lunch is so good. This is a really simple one, so stick around and I’ll show you how I made it. First, we got some leftover taco meat that I warmed up. And we’re gonna do some shredded cheddar. Since I don’t need a ton, I’m just gonna use this instead of my rotary grater. I want mine spicier today, so we’re gonna put in some Diced up jalapenos as well. And mix those up in the base. With this part, you have some options. You could do a little bit of sour cream. I’m gonna do some plain Greek yogurt because it’s lower in calorie and also higher in protein. So, it should be good. Just like a spoonful. Mix all of this up. You can put whatever you want here, guys. Whatever you like on your tacos, put it in this bowl. I’m really craving tomato, but I don’t have any. But I do have some lettuce, so we’re gonna rip up some of that and just put it right on top. You can either make yourself some chips with peppers, like I showed you guys how to do the other day. But today I’m actually doing fresh protein chips. That’s it. Super simple and so freaking good.