Exploring Dynamic Wallpapers on iOS and iPad OS: An Interactive Showcase

Let’s go through a lot of the wallpapers on iOS and iPad OS and show you what they do and some of their fancy schmancy animations just for fun. So this one right here is the Astronomy Wallpaper. You can choose between having different planets on the astronomy wallpaper. But if you choose the full solar system option here, you can actually tap on different planets to zoom in. Another interesting thing about the astronomy wallpapers is that the rotational speed of the planets on your lock screen and home screen will actually change depending on the actual speed of that planet.

Next up, dipping into the unity section a bit here, if I select this one and then add it, you can see that the flowers are all kind of in different depths. As you swipe up, they will actually move to kind of shift perspective a little bit.

One of the more interesting and unique things about these wallpapers is that rather than shifting into a landscape orientation as a whole, it’ll actually shift the individual elements on the screen instead.

Some other ones are a bit more simple. This is the Unity 3 colors wallpaper. You can see it actually intersects the clock, which is a unique feature of this wallpaper. And as you unlock it, it just kind of zooms out a little bit over. On the topic of unity wallpapers, this one’s a little bit different in that when you actually unlock it, it just kind of shifts and shrink things down a little bit just to better differentiate it between the unlocked and locked state with these individual lines separating out the components.

By the way, you’ll notice that this actually says unity here. This is kind of half a U. There’s part of an N, there’s a part of an I. This is the top of a t, and there’s a y right there. Moving on to some of the pride wallpapers.

This is the new Pride Radiance wallpaper for I was 17.5. You can see that it kind of has this interesting perspective. It’s made up of these neon lines forming the word pride. As you unlock actually shifts that perspective a little bit, moves around some of the lines and really gets this interesting, more abstract effect on the iPhone, not the iPad. It’ll actually change the perspective randomly as you’re unlocking the device as well to give you a bit of a new unique look each time.

The next one is the weather wallpaper. You probably already know that this will show what the weather looks like outside right on your lock screen. In fact, if I look over at my window, you can see it’s equally as ugly out there. However, as you swipe up, you’ll notice that the actual clouds will kind of shift perspective and zoom out to better allow for things to be visible on the main home screen.

Actually have another pride wallpaper. I don’t know what this one’s actually called, but you can see that it’s got a bunch of these individual little dots forming the kind of rainbow thing. As you swipe up, it’ll actually kind of, I don’t know how to describe it, like a school of fish almost moving along in this stream. And as you unlock and lock it, it actually shifts over gradually. You can see the right is kind of in the middle here. As if I do that again, it shifts up and I can repeat it and just keep cycling along. And it’s really a unique look, albeit a little bit noisy.

This is one where I’d probably blur the home screen portion of the wallpaper. Speaking of pride wallpapers, we have this one here. Again, I’m not actually sure what they call this one per se, but what’s interesting about this one is that the entire thing will kind of shift up and cycle it. You unlock, you can see here it separates temporarily and then kind of shifts over to another orientation when it’s in the unlock position, putting a bit more emphasis on these lower colors than the other ones as you unlock, it goes right back to the same position. So it kind of toggles back and forth between the two.

Next we have the hello wallpapers. These actually take a bit of inspiration from the Mac. The hello monikers often used in Mac OS, but they brought it over to the iPad here. Actually like it quite a bit. You can see it’s pretty standard. Just says hello right in the middle. And you can actually unlock it. It’ll zoom in a bit to kind of show an abstract portion of that word. One unique thing about the hello wallpaper is that you can tap on it to make it write out the word hello if you want, and it will do so in a variety of different languages.

Next, we have the emoji wallpapers. And there’s a whole lot special here. Obviously, you can customize which emojis are shown. I think this is pretty ugly, but a couple things of note is that this is another one that’ll actually change the orientation of each element rather than the wallpaper as a whole.

Finally, we have another one that’s pretty ugly, in my opinion, but you can kind of customize a bit more. This is the kaleidoscope wallpaper. They come with these default like gem patterns. You can see this kind of have like sapphires run or something, but as you unlock it, it’ll actually move around the kaleidoscope and cycle through it, which is a neat effect. I suppose it’s interesting if you have a personal photo that’s making up the kaleidoscope rather than these more default gem style. But this is also one that actually changes kind of uniquely when you rotate it, as you can see, it really cycles through the kaleidoscope as you do so, which is okay, admittedly, honey.