Standing Out as a Chosen One: The Lonely Journey of a Light Magnet

If you were chosen one, you probably ain’t got no friends. See, as a chosen one, you can’t have friends because see, I’ma tell you something. People will hate on you for no fucking reason. People will plot on you for no fucking reason. People will be jealous of you for no fucking reason. But see here, it really is a reason. Because see, 99% of people are fucking demons or dark or in a low vibration. So you are that 1%. So imagine being the 1% and you always stand out no matter where you are, where you go, what you got on, what you’re doing, you always gonna be seen because your light gravitates people. You are a magnet. You have the universal energy within you. So when you go anywhere, people, they ain’t got no choice but to see you. They ain’t got no choice but to notice you. You are noticeable. You can’t have friends as a chosen one because I’m very convinced. The only way you can have friends if you chosen is you had to have people who are just like you, which is very hard to find. So unless you can find a like-minded individual, unless you can find someone who just as strong as you got the same type of energy that you got, ain’t no way you can have a friendship. And I’m convinced too, like in a relationship, it’s like you’re gonna attract narcissists.