Lessons in Communication and Boundaries: Navigating Relationships and Respecting Wishes

Poopsy poopsy, Jeremy, let’s unsend that message. Does your hand wanna take my hand for a ride and we can do it together? No, she doesn’t need you to wish her a happy birthday. Cause remember, no contact means we catch a bubble, right? Sometimes when we’re not kind to someone, they don’t want to play with us anymore. You know, words are like toothpaste. We can squeeze out toothpaste, but we can’t put it back in all the way. Sometimes words can’t be taken back even with a sorry. I can see that you really wanna tell her happy birthday, but that’s not what she wants. And when it’s someone’s birthday, we should want them to be happy on their special day, right? So let’s turn this around. Did you Venmo her? Jeremy, uh-uh, no. A phone is gonna take a nap, friend. This is not my red voice. Hear my words. This is my purple voice because you’re trying to cross a boundary and she said she is all done. Got it, got it.