Journey into the Unknown: My First Experience with a Mystical Clairvoyant

We are back from our hectic day now, we had some really exciting meetings and in a bit I am actually, this is a first for me and I’m a bit anxious about it but I’m actually going to see a, I think it’s not a fortune teller but like a non-medium, I don’t know what she’d be called, like they do the, not tarot cards, I don’t really know who I’m going to see but basically I’m going to go and speak to someone that a lot of my friends have gone to see and she basically sort of like, I guess it’s kind of like predicting the future and weirdly this woman with my friends has been absolutely spot on about every single thing she has said to them and I think she’s got like one or two things wrong in the whole time all my friends using her. Excuse me, busy nose. Busy nose. Yeah, I’ve never in my life gone to see anybody that can like, like a spiritual person that can like predict the future or read your mind or anything like that and I’m doing that this evening which I’m really excited about because there’s nothing I really want answers to in my life that I feel like it would be like, there’s so much going on in my life right now if I had a pound for every time I’d say that I’d be a cotrillion there but I feel like I’d love to just have a bit of like, just see if she gets things right. I’m just fascinated because I’m a bit sceptical. I am going to bring this vlog to a close. I know this has been…