Feels Like Home: Musical Journey and Unexpected Encounters

Feels like home. Not bad, not bad. Love that bass. Feels like home. Hey, I like that part. We should’ve put that on the record. You should. Feels like home, everything’s, home’s where the heart is kind of feeling. Home is like where all our stories start. Yeah. You know? And wherever you go, there you are. There you are. Wherever you go, there you are. That’s exactly right. It’s like Elvis and Dolly singing them. We actually got to play that song for Dolly Parton. No, you did not. She gave us a standing ovation when we finished the song. And then we quit, because we were like, we’re done. Yeah, well that’s it. We’ve done everything we needed to do. Feels like home. Feels like home. There you go. Bring it home. I switched to my Randy Travis when I sing. Randy Travis. Oh, love that. When I sing that song, I sing with my Randy Travis voice. I like that. Takes you right back to the kids. That’s pretty good. Sometimes I like to imitate Dolly Parton. Just here in the car with my new friends singing a song that actually has my name in it. And I hope you love it as much as I love you. Wow. Gosh. I got to say, that was completely unrehearsed, by the way. That was fantastic. I never heard her do that. Oh, I love her voice. That was fantastic. Here I am being like, yeah, I can, you know, she’s like, watch this.