Reviewing the Viral Steel Dish Washing Cloth: A Mom’s Double Duty Cleaning Experience

Alright guys, have you seen these like steel dish washing cloths that have gone viral on TikTok? I finally went ahead and just ordered some and I was like okay I’ll just do a review when I get them and I’ve really really liked them. Well, so I told my kids, my kids normally help me with the dishes, but I was like hey leave all your dishes there and I want to just see how good this steel dish washing cloth works. Most of the time I have to let my pots and pans sit underwater or sit like overnight because all of the stuff sticks to it so horribly and I have to scrub pretty much with like that steel scrubber, which kind of works but the problem with that little steel scrubber is that this dirt and the food gets stuck in it and then like this thing and then all the food gets stuck, some of the wire comes off and then all that wiring goes down my disposal and then my husband has to fix the disposal again because all this stuff has gone down it and has damaged our you know disposal. Anyway, but in this case right here what I’m doing is I all I did I didn’t even use soap I was just using the dishwashing the steel dish washing cloth to get all the food off because I’m gonna be putting all of those things in my dishwasher. I know double duty, yes I get it, my dishwasher is probably not the best. If I was to put something in my dishwasher with food it would not come off. It’s just not that powerful but anyway but I do love how this this dish washing cloth works. You could use it wet, you could use it dry, it removes all the grease and all the food, all the residual from all your pots and pans so I love that. Yeah it just easily cleans without damaging and that’s what I like. It’s super easy on your hands so that it’s not like it’s not like it’s poking you. I decided to also just do my stovetop as well and it normally my stovetop takes a little scrub-a-dub-dub for real but with this little steel dishwashing cloth it was super easy, super quick. It did not give me any issues it just cleaned right up and so I really like that. So anyway if you’re interested in grabbing you some you’ll see the link right there at the bottom left and you can grab you some. Hope you enjoyed my little cleaning video.