Diary of a High Schooler: Exciting Discoveries and Beauty Routines

me for the third day of school. Okay so I’m really excited for today as well. I’m surprised that I’m tired with school already. Like normally I’ll be tired by like the second day and ready for summer again. Actually like I was so bored during the summer. I’m a bit so bored to the point where I literally just wanted to go to school so bad. I’m still not even tired of school. It’s honestly not even that bad. B days are like so much more fun than my A days. We’re gonna see how today’s A day but obviously it’s probably not gonna be a swan because today’s just not my favorite day. Go to guidance to get my schedule changed. Watch my previous videos. Basically I said that they messed up my schedule or on the overall um statewide test that we take just like advanced but they gave me intensive. Incentive is for people who got a two or a one. The highest you can get is a five and I got a four. Obviously that was a mistake. Currently I’m taking two math classes on A day. I have both of them. My pre-algebra teacher is actually really nice but I’m just not supposed to be in that class. I’m supposed to be leaving right now and I’m putting Patrick Todd blush on my face. Thank you guys so much for 187k. I literally grew like overnight a lot. I’ve been like a thousand followers overnight. So crazy because my first day of school get ready when we did is back blew up. So I thank you guys so much. Now I’m gonna do my eyebrows and then I’m gonna put on mascara and we’re just gonna call it a day. I don’t need to do all that makeup. Hey y’all the fit today is pretty chill. I just have on some blue fours and then this blue jacket to match with it and I don’t know what person I’m gonna wear but it’s probably gonna be one of my Kirk Geiger purses because that’s only the ones that really match with it. My lashes have gotten so much longer. I don’t know what I’ve been doing. I literally been just doing my regular stuff. I re-curl my lashes once I’m done doing this because they’re kind of more straight but y’all I’ve been so sad because I literally have no like silver bracelets to match with my silver necklace and silver ring. I’ve just literally been wearing my dead Apple watch. Okay now we’re gonna re-curl. Okay that looks so much better. My favorite period is literally lunch like everyone’s there obviously and actually talk to my friends that I don’t have classes with. That lunch seat thing where you sit with your next class and then I got too unorganized to the point where they just told everyone to start sitting down and I honestly don’t blame them because there are so much kids. Okay now I’m gonna use my new lip gloss that I got. This literally came in like an eight pack off of Emson so but I lost every single one. My lip combo always eats down y’all. So tea. Y’all here’s our two cents of the day. Oh yeah I put on deodorant already. Okay I’m gonna use some of this in the one if you’re watching this. No so general today. Anyways if you guys stay to the end of video thank you guys so much. Bye y’all. Oh it’s about the gospel.