Introducing QLIS: A Journey Through Word Games and Strategies with Tom

Good morning everybody, it’s Tom and I want to familiarize you with the app today, the QLIS app, since we don’t have physical games in stock right now. This is the main menu. This is a little, this is Tom and I’m hoping you enjoy my game QLIS. A little welcome thing that we recorded. Here are the rules. You can actually listen to the rules if you want to. There’s a little button there. Here are the stats. In this case, this person has solved 78% of their rolls. 1290, they’ve played 1290 games. If you hit reset, it’ll go back to zero. And then we hit play. I love the sound of those dice. Okay, I like to put my vowels over there. Then if I have doubles, which I do, is that the only double I have? I think so. Okay, I have a Z. What are we going to do with the Z? If I had an L, I’d have klutz, but I don’t have a Z, or I don’t have an L. I have che, kind of a French word for home that we have stolen and put in our dictionary. Then we have how about CRI. Oh no. Oh no. What was I thinking there? Well, I’m going to… Hmm. UB, okay. Oh dear. Oh, wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Uh, I know there’s a way… There’s a scribe. Uh, oh. Oh yeah, I didn’t see that. I have a helper today. Now, let me tell you, that’s called a corner play when you do that. And it’s sometimes, it saves you. It is sometimes the only way to solve these. Hope you have a good day.