Title: Solving for r in a Basic Algebraic Equation through Inverse Operations

All right, so in this problem, we need to be able to solve for r. So what that means is we need to undo what is happening to the r. So let’s read out this equation. D equals r times t. So we can see that r is being multiplied by t. So we want to solve for our variable r. We want to undo that, right? That’s what we call our inverse operations. So the inverse operation of multiplication is going to be division. The inverse operation of addition would be subtraction. So we have r is being multiplied by t. So that means we need to divide by t. Now, whatever we do on one side, we have to do on the other side. That’s called our property of equality. So we’re going to divide by t on both sides. Now, notice t divided by t is just going to equal one. So I have a d over t is equal an r times one. Now, usually I don’t go through this step, but on a simple problem like this, I just want to make sure I explain r times one is just going to be r. So now you can see I have now isolated my variable and is now solved for. I could use the reflexive property to flip everything around to get an r equals d over t.