Crunchy Cheetos Burrito Adventure: A TikTok-inspired Culinary Creation

Y’all come with me while I try to make a hot Cheetos burrito. So first I started with some eggs and a little bit of flour so it can stick. Got the Cheetos blended up real nice and I got my burrito from 7-Eleven. Yes I got it from 7-Eleven and the reason why I just started making this is because I was seeing so many things on TikTok, Instagram and I was like yo I maybe can make this myself. So I dipped it in some eggs, flipped it around as many times just to make sure it was nicely coated. And yeah man I didn’t know exactly what I was doing but hey it just seemed to work out. The flour actually makes it stick better so I did that. Go ahead and dip it in the hot Cheetos. I blended up in the blender real nice and thin and just put it all over the burrito and yeah you can tell I’m not that good with the voiceovers. But yeah y’all bare with me man while I make this. Make sure you put it all over. I mean completely try to just cover it in Cheetos like all over. Definitely make sure you got your hot oil cooking. Make sure it’s nice and hot because you’re going to be deep frying it okay. Look at my finger. Let me tell y’all I did not think it was going to come out this well. I didn’t. Boil it in a little bit. Put it in this cheese. Just aimate here.