Duck-Fueled Target Haul Review: From Face Wash to Cookie Dough Mochi!

Hey guys. Fuck the duck. Okay we have a target haul. First we got Penoxyl face wash. And then dry shampoo. And then um telescopic mascara. Telescope? Yeah telescope. And then um I’ve never seen this flavor but it’s cookie dough mochi and I love mochi and um they’ve never had it so they’re gonna try this. We’re gonna do a reveal. Hold on. Okay we’re gonna try it. Oh this one’s good. Ten out of ten. Oh they’re cold. But it’s really good. Yeah they are pretty good. Right? I love it. It tastes like uh I don’t know. Like dough. Really doughy. Yeah but they’re good. Rate it. One out of ten. Give it a six. Um. Wanna eat? I give it a six cause the texture. because the texture oh yeah not a big fan of the doughyness I didn’t realize it was actually going to be dough yeah it’s really rice dough okay I give it an 11 out of 10 anyway bye I love you guys I need a Pookie