The Lagoon Scam: A Story of Disappointment and Deception

Alright ma’am, your lagoon is complete. You wanna come check it out? Are you serious? Yes! Let me come check it out! Right this way. Here it is, the final product. Um, that’s a puddle. Excuse me ma’am, we work really hard making these lagoons. It takes a lot of time, a lot of money, a lot of manpower. No, no. This… That has gotta be like two cups worth of water. Well, you wanted a lagoon, you see. If you wanted a pool, you should have just said something. Okay, you know what, whatever. How much do I owe you? 10, 15 bucks? Well, for a lagoon of this stature, I’d say 70. Seventy dollars? What do you mean? Seventy thousand dollars. Miss. I’m outta here. Ma’am, you need to pay. Now. I’m not paying you. Fine. You’re not gonna give me my money, you’re not gonna get your lagoon.