Insights on Racism and Racial Stress in Everyday Life: A Message from Chef Brian

Golden afternoon or maybe evening to you, depends on where you are. Alright, Chef Brian here, I want you understand one thing. So I’m black nine days a week, right? When we see this comment, so as black folks, it does something to our heart. And we become very angry. Because just the idea that you might be asking a question, but to us, we’re like, Jesus Christ, like, here we go again.

Like, I’ll stop and just understand. I’m not angry with you. I’m not at all. And I think your handle is Maddie and Matt. What is it? I think that’s your son. So I think you’re Maddie then the amount, correct? Yes.

I’m assuming if, correct me if I’m wrong. Okay. I think it’s Matthew, right? Yeah, Maddie and Matthew. I can’t even see them with my glasses.

Anyway, it makes us angry because your question, I get it, right? Because I’ve been in a lot of light spaces and cooking for celebs and being in LA for 13 years and doing events, you know, from lower and shut down. I’m like one of four black folks. So what happens is for security purposes, we study white people. Because it’s for security purposes, we study right folks?

So I know that you asking miss question, you are right. And I want to make sure you I break this down for you are right. Cuz you know line, this is the space that, you know, like what you’re saying right now, you’re right. But let me tell you why it’s wrong. You understand what I mean?

Like, so you’re right to ask the question the way you are asking it cuz you want this asking just to ask you what I mean. You’re asking for a reason. Be so whether it’s facetious or it’s, you know, it’s or it’s completely benign, right? You’re asking, so the only knowledge you have is your own bubble, is your own utopian society of white folks.

You see, I’m saying, so us, we get insulted quickly. We’re sensitive anyhow. You know, 400 years plus of slavery and emancipation Proclamation that really only made it worse. Now, the woman had a 12 people. I believe the original reservation was 12 people.

She called three hours before and said, hey, I want to change it to 17. They said, no problem, thumbs up. The restaurant did pop those. Then they get there, they get seated. That’s the operative word here. They were seated. Adult beverages were ordered. Cane bread was also factored in and maybe a few starters.

So now you’re gonna go to that same table and say, I need far for you to get up. Come on down five. I need five y’all to get up. That’s an invitation. That means leave. We don’t even want, your money is not even green enough. So for you to like us to understand they would never do that to you and your wife, family.

Cuz Bill would be like, I’m gonna have your badge, you know, I’m gonna have your job and we’re gonna sue you. That’s my general white man’s voice. No one extra table will allow that. No one. You might even call a police on them cuz, but they won’t do it, though.

Cuz the audacity alone is diabolical. The audacity to ask. Or should I say demand that this black family change the dynamic after they were seated. That alone you should be like, yo, Wody. Of course you can’t say that, but like, that’s wrong. I don’t care where you’re from.

So just please, I, I’m trying to give you like a little backstory. That’s why it took me a little longer cuz I really want you understand, like, this is real to us.

Black folks experience racism seven days a week, no days off. Someone will either do something mild, moderate, or completely egregious. Even to me, every day. No days off for racism. 0. Let that marinate. And I’m not mad at you. I just want you to know like, this is real.

Those people were affected and they’ll never forget about that for as long as they live. And so now what happens is they have to endure racial stress, which turns into trauma of different forms. It’s Tuesday. Enjoy your sun, enjoy your week and be safe, okay?