Easter in the Kitchen: A Grocery Haul Adventure

Hello from Easter in the Kitchen, key food wall! I’m trying to get back on track and I was missing some things. Oh, I got some bouncy napkins, they’re not edible, haha. Red onion, can you believe like a red onion is like $4? It’s crazy. Some feta cheese. I got myself a big oak hues vanilla yogurt. This is a bunch of small ones so I had to pay like $7 but… It’s 32 ounces. Oh boy, avocados hard as a rock so they will be hard on myself tonight. I’m so sick of it, everything is hard. I got a sugar free corn whip. Black bag. Sorry. I got some linoleum foil. I got my extras, I’ll have that back here. I got my low carb mission wraps, I’m definitely going without eating the wrong bread. I don’t like to see this really, it’s a window cleaner, I have a glass table in my room. Also mini seedless cucumbers I need for salads. I’m going to try these low carb, high protein peanut clusters with my yogurts. Never had before, I’m going to give it a try. I got bananas. I got some peaches. And I got a pack of eggs. This is my key foothold. I got to do something together and see yous later.