The Circulatory System: Understanding Blood Flow and Heart Health

All right, now let’s continue talking about the circulatory system. So we have two paths for blood. We have the pulmonary circuit, which is the path of blood from the heart to the lungs. So deoxygenated by, from all tissues collecting the right atrium, pumped by the right ventricle and then sent to the pulmonary trunk, which divides into the pulmonary arteries, which divide up into the arterials. And then basically at the capillaries, you’ll have the CO2 and O2 exchange. And then the deoxygenated or the oxygenated blood enters the pulmonary veins or venues, and then the pulmonary veins and then sent to the left atrium. And then from the left atrium right over here goes to the ventricle and then to the systemic circuit, which is going to go to all of the rest of the body. So blood comes in right atrium, right ventricle, like pulmonary artery to the lungs, pulmonary vein, brings it back. You have this, your left atrium and then ventricle and then to the rest of the body. And then the aortic is the largest artery in the body. It has the diameter of about the size of like a penny. And then the branches of the aorto lead to all the major body regions and organs. You have the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava, which collect blood from the head, chest and arms. And then the lower body. The hepatic portal system connects the blood vessels of Vlad to the liver because the liver, it has a lot of like the nutrients and does a lot of the processing. Side of the body also produces bio. And then a portal system begins and ends in capillaries, small test ends and other, and in liver and then the hepatic vein carries blood from the liver to the inferior vena cava. The carotid artery is your neck subclavian is the around the clavicle region. So just below your neck enter your imposture of ina keva inferior below heart, superior is above. Hepatic vein connects to inferior Rina Keva, renal artery, and bane is the kidney, coronary artery and Wayne vein. Juggler rain blood from the head. Messentric connects to the incentrines pulmonary carry oxygenated blood to the left atrium. Patic portal vein connects intestines with liver. Iliac guardian vein leads from aorta to the legs. Iorda is the largest, and you should be able to describe the blood flow around the body through any major organ.

Okay, now let’s talk about coronary arteries. So these are the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle. So it’s like the little arteries around the heart that supply oxygen to that muscle, because the heart’s always pumping, it needs a constant supply of oxygen so we can create ATP and keep that tissue alive. So if the coronary artery becomes plugged because of, like, say, a very unhealthy diet or lack of exercise or genetics or something like cholesterol. If you’re eating a lot of unhealthy, oily fried foods, the blood cannot supply, be supplied to the part of the heart and then heart attack occurs. So this is very dangerous because if the tissue, the heart starts to die and there’s nothing, no other artery that’s like supplying blood to like that region, then the Harch cannot contract properly. It cannot pump blood. And if you cannot pump blood, you’re not getting blood to like your brain and the rest of your body, making it very dangerous. So, but that’s a heart attack.

And then I, through your sclerosis is a form of arterial sclerosis, and this is like hardening of the arteries caused by cholesterol plaque deposits. It can occur in the coronary artery, the corroded artery, the aorta, and in the leg arteries.

Cuz healthy arteries are flexible, strong and elastic. They have the inner layer, which is the Tunica antenna, smooth, enabling blood to flow freely. As a person ages, the arteries normally become thicker and less elastic and their Calcium content increases. This natural hardening process occurs throughout the artery system, and then the Arthur sclerosis affects only larger arteries. And then if we start to build up plaque, the inner layers of the artery walls become thick and irregular and accumulate. And this can increase the risk of like heart attacks or stroke, which is like a kind of blocking of RV going to the brain and other serious arterial diseases. And then you’ll experience symptoms of angina, stroke and claudification, so limb pain or tiredness. And this is like the insufficient blood flow that is kind of occurring as a result of that. And then stroke when portion of a brain dies to the lack of oxygen, usually when an natural burst or is blocked by enablement them and then usually cause death or paralysis unless it can be reversed and the person gets medical attention.

Heart attack to cover that. Coronary bypass surgery so segments of the leg veins can be grafted between the aorta and coronary vessels in order to bypass as a blockage two to four such bypasses may be performed in a single operation. So three such graphs will be known as a triple pipe past operation. For example, coronary bypass, doing a heart transplants and artificial heart implementation are surgical methods that have been done to, that in use to treat, for the treatment of heart attacks, and more than 50% of all deaths in Canada and US are due to hypertension, which is like high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack.

Thrombus, a stationary clot attached to an arterial wall slows the blood flow. An embolus is a thromboless. So a clot that has become dislodged moves along with the blood. The embolus can get stuck because remember, some of the arteries become very narrow and then that is called an embolism. And then the varicose veins, abnormal and irregular dilations and superficial. So the veins that are near the surface, she can lower legs and then the varicose veins and rectum are called hemorrhoids. Varicose veins develop or the valves of the veins become weakened due to the back word pressure of the blood. And then this one is inflammation of a vein. Blood in the inflamed vessel may clot, in which case of thrombolism. First, if embolism here lines up in the pulmonary arterial, blocking circulation through the lungs, it is called a pulmonary embolism. And I can cause. Yeah.