Setting Boundaries and Respecting Privacy in My Online Presence

creatures. I really hate making videos like this but I feel like I need to set boundaries again. When I invited people to join my Facebook page and be friends with me on Facebook, maybe I blurred the lines a little bit by doing so, but I thought it was pretty clear on the fact that my TikTok and my personal Facebook page have nothing to do with one another. I made it very clear that I don’t want to receive messages in regards to readings on my Facebook and I certainly don’t want to receive really really long messages about your personal relationships and advice with like your special person, your twin flame, or things of that nature. I thought it was pretty clear on that and it’s not to be mean and it’s not that I don’t care. I really enjoy you guys being on my Facebook page. It’s been a lot more fun since you guys have been there. I like being able to get to know you guys through your posts and kind of interact and leave little heart reacts and laugh reacts and things of that nature. But I’m noticing, not with all of you, not everyone, but like if I just so much as ha ha a post, I’ll get like an inbox immediately. That makes me uncomfortable, okay? Maybe that’s a me problem, maybe it’s because there’s something wrong with me. I’m not very good at social interactions. I’m not a chit-chatter. I’m not someone who likes to chat at all and I’m someone who gets easily overwhelmed and I have extreme anxiety and I feel like I can’t even interact with posts because then I’ll immediately get a message asking me for advice on your relationship. It’s not fair. It’s giving like no boundaries and like kind of no respect for me as a person or as an individual human being. I feel like it’s just my talents or my gifts is all people want from me and if that’s the only reason why you’re on my Facebook page because you think you’re gonna get like some sort of leg up into like my gifts, then that’s not very authentic of you. And I know some of you don’t mean to be that way and again this is probably because I am just someone who’s particularly anxious and I am someone who really struggles with interpersonal relationships. So I know a lot of times you guys just want to and have fun and be friends and that’s fine. I really don’t. I feel like an asshole saying this but I don’t mind you guys sending me links to songs you think I might like or send me funny memes or tag me and things that you think are cool. You guys know I like bats so you’ll tag me something with bats. I think that’s cool. That’s what Facebook is for. My Facebook is not some secret passageway to get to my my spiritual gifts or to get like free guidance or something like that. That’s not fair and it makes me feel really uncomfortable and I know a lot of you don’t do it intentionally. I feel like there’s a couple people who do but I feel like most of you who have messaged me asking for advice, it’s out of you feel connected to me and I feel connected to you guys as well and that’s why I want you on my Facebook page so I can see your personalities but I don’t want to be used or treated like I’m just here to perform a task for you. That doesn’t make me feel very good and one of the big differences between my TikTok and my Facebook is my TikTok notifications I keep off. They’re not on so if I don’t want to be in the mode of working or tarot or giving spiritual guidance or helping people I just don’t open TikTok or I don’t open my messages but my Facebook is my private Facebook and I don’t turn off my Facebook messenger because like I said messenger notifications because like I said that’s how I talk to my friends and family. I’m not a texter I’m a messenger girl so like I can’t I’m not gonna turn off my messages and then I have to just be subjected to people kind of bombarding me and sending really long messages about their relationships and that’s not fair. I don’t like it I don’t like it I’m sorry I’m not trying to be mean and if it gets to the point where I’m uncomfortable I’m gonna just not like share my private page with you guys anymore. I really don’t want to do that because as I said I really like having you guys on my page I really like you know being friends with you guys because you’re very similar to me a lot of you. I hate having to say all this I feel like an asshole I feel like people are gonna get mad at me or think that I’m being mean or snobby and I’m really not. I just I barely even chat with the people in my life I’m someone who’s very I go recluse a lot I don’t like talking all the time I don’t do well with social interactions I have literally three friends in real life and I like it that way that’s the way I like to live my life and I don’t want to be forced to feel guilty that I’m not responding or feel like I have to perform at all points of the day. One more little thing that kind of drives me nuts is whenever I post like silly filters at nighttime I like to do like silly filters when I’m like tired and in pain just laying on the couch and hanging out with my kid and I post like silly filters or I post anything that’s not tarot related on here people will be like well where’s the readings are you doing any readings when are you gonna go live that’s kind of rude I’m not trying to be mean but like I am NOT just a monkey here performing for you guys tarot and tik-tok is not my entire life it’s a big part of my life and I love it and I appreciate you guys but like if I just want to post a silly video when I’m not feeling well because it makes me laugh or like it just distracts me just let me do that like if you don’t have to watch it you don’t have to watch it but you don’t have to comment and make me feel guilty for not constantly being on I don’t want to be on all the time I’m human too anyway not trying to be a dick love you guys