The Tale of Abbie and the Matching Vibes: A Fashionable Cosplay Adventure

Abbie was like our vibes aren’t matching we have to be the same vibe. I literally changed outfits like three times I don’t know why she’s so codependent with the vibe It’s not about the vibe, it’s about it doesn’t look like we came together otherwise it’s weird I don’t feel like this is a weird thing No, okay, it’s not but you you control the vibe Well, I don’t even know Okay, so this is what we decided our outfits are inspired by She is I’m her manager Um very like Kanti LA manager Um and she’s like a pop star Um and I feel like with like the click of the heels and my little phone charm I’m like a pop star on bad behavior She’s not taking the deal I’m coming out of somewhere and I’m like We’re gonna cosplay really quick to let it sink in before the uber comes Yes um Uh she should be under Dominique Defoe Yeah she’s there but hang on Uh she will take no less than five million or she’ll walk trust me she has plenty of options Yeah she’s on the list that’s right