Gen X Name Game: Remembering High School with Jennifer, Brian, Carrie, and More!

Alright Gen X, we’re gonna play the name game. Don’t scroll past. You’re allowed to scroll past this video as soon as I mess up. How’s that? I’m gonna give you a list of ten names and I guarantee you that every one of these names was someone you knew in high school or it’s your name or someone you dated. So as I go through these ten names, as soon as I say a name and you didn’t know anyone with that name, feel free to scroll on past. But if I get all ten, I think you should share this video because that’s kind of impressive. It’s like a Gen X magic trick. If I say your name, I think you should like it. And if I say the name of someone you dated, you should definitely comment on a scale of 1 to 10 how amazing or awful they were. Here we go. Number one, Jennifer. You have to know a Jennifer or a Jen or a Jenny and a lot of you are. Hi Jen. Hi Jennifer. Number two, Brian. You know a Brian or you dated a Brian. Number three, my prom date, Carrie. It can be a C-A-R-R-I-E or K-E-R-I. I don’t care how you spell it. You knew a Carrie. Maybe even a boy named Carrie. You’re still around. You haven’t scrolled past yet because you know you got number four as well which is Jason. We all had a Jason. Jason’s like you know the linebacker on the football team. Number five, Christy. A K-R-I-S-T-I or a C-H-R-I-S-T-I-E or a C-H-R-I-S-T-Y. Doesn’t matter. It’s just hi Christy. Hi you Christy’s. Here we go. Number six, Chris or Christopher. Boy or girl? Can be a girl Chris but you knew a Chris in high school. I know you did. Number seven, Kelly. Could also be a boy as well but probably a girl named Kelly. Cheerleader. Maybe a redhead. We all had Kelly’s right? Number eight, Eric. You know Eric. Your lab partner. Eric. The guy you haven’t talked to in 25 years. That guy. He counts. Number nine, Amy. Another prom date of mine. I sound like I got around. I was very lucky to get two prom dates in three years. Amy’s number nine and to wrap it up, my fifth boy name I struggled with but I’m Justin. You knew a Justin right? Jennifer, Brian, Carrie, Jason, Christy, Chris, Kelly, Eric, Amy, Justin. Sounds like my graduating class. So if I got them all, I feel like you should share and tell me about your red prom dates.