Title: Remembering the 2011 Primetime Emmy Awards Best Actress Category Drama: The Melissa McCarthy Moment

This is one of my favorite TV moments. It’s from 2011. It’s a 63rd Primetime Emmy Awards Best Actress category when Rob Low and Sophia Fargara introduce the nominations for the Best Actress and this is what happened. But wait, soon as it’s over, I’m gonna read some comments about this moment, which is hilarious.

Category about standing Lead Actress in a Comedy, Amy Polar, Parts and Recreation.

Melissa McCarthy, Mike and Molly.

Martha Plinson, Raising Hope. Eddie Falco. Here’s Jackie.

Tina Fey. 30. Rough.

Laura Lily, the big C.

I just want to say, girls, everyone is a winner. And I know that you’re going to go on to serve this body with distinction. And the any goes to Melissa McCarthy.

Holy smooth. It’s my first and best pageant ever. Oh, my god. There’s so many people. Stop.

That clock. Here are some angry comments about that. It’s probably people who’s never seen 30 Rock. It’s been a while since it was on. This is what people were saying, actual comments from the internet. Who is that with Tina? He was so rude to push her away. Like that was Jack Power. He played Kenneth and 30 Rack. That was kind of like the. So in response that saying, I think they did this as a joke, someone elsewhere. I hope so. Yes. Very rude. We’re talking about this moment here, Tina Fey.

Very. Ross.

That was no joke. She was embarrassed profusely. Shame he did that. I was embarrassed for her. Tina is a genius writer, hugely funny. Very funny. She was the head writer of SNL. Trust me, this is, I would put money down that this was her idea. Oh, people, I think you could totally tell she was so embarrassed. Sure. Okay. Just Google before you make a comment online that’s going to be there forever. One day, some doofis is going to read your stuff on TikTok network.

I just want to say thank you. Holy smokes.