Uncovering the Power of Physiological Healing: A Medical Student’s Perspective on Root Cause Healthcare

Dave, and just say I hate that healthcare never wants to get to the root of the problem. I absolutely adore this response. If y’all don’t know who knows Brett is, she is a really like popping nurse content creator here on TikTok. Go watch the rest of the video.

But what she says is so important, especially for me from the perspective of a medical student. The first two years of medical school is you depending on how your curriculum is set up. The way my curriculums is set up is the first year you’re learning about the normal anatomy and physiology of the human body. And then the second year you’re learning about the abnormal anatomy and physiology of the body. And what is so intriguing to me every single time that I learn about a new system is honestly more so the physiological like mechanism of our bodies and how our bodies are supposed to work.

So when you get diagnosed with all of these different, you know, things, and we’ll stay on the topic of like type 2 or type 1 diabetes, cuz that’s actually one of the examples that she used because she was diagnosed PCOS and all of that, right? And she found a natural way to, you know, take care of that. And that’s been working. But I say all of that to say, like, go back and do a little research for yourself.

At the end of the day, like, unfortunately, I myself understand that I’m entering a system that is big on prescribing medications and moving on to the point where, like even in primary care, we’re technically not even supposed to spend a lot of time like speaking to patients, talking to patients to really like get to know them, their lifestyle or any of that information, to be honest. Like we’re literally being groomed and taught and primed from day one how to do an intake for a patient in 12,7 minutes, in 12 minutes. Like if you’ve ever heard what Oski is, that is literally what Oski is. So we don’t even have enough time to be able to really sit down and talk to a patient and learn and understand like what they’re eating, lifestyles, like what is their diet, what is their activity like, what is their lifestyle like? Because a lot of the problems, a lot of the diseases that are happening to people are it all goes back to a physiological basis. But if you’re able to literally trace back the physiology of what the problem the patient is having, you can find a natural way to be able to fix it so that you don’t have to sit down and prescribe someone medications that they honestly may not even need if they change different things about their lifestyle. So I encourage everyone who has any type of like pre existing health issue, if you’re on meds, if you’re being advised to get on meds, if you are even being evaluated for your pre existing health issue, take like 20 minutes max. Go and Google the physiology of the issue that you’re having and research ways to go about healing yourself naturally because the human body is able to heal itself. Like that’s the thing. Like we have stem cells and everything. Like for the most part, you can reverse a lot of these health conditions that, you know, though everybody is getting diagnosed. Like you can reverse it by literally just changing your lifestyle. Changing lifestyle. Things that you do every day can help you reverse some of these like health conditions.