Fruit and Funny Business: A Hilarious Game of Naming Fruits

And this is the correct one. Move, I mean move, okay. All right, so we have melon. You wanna hold the transfer? Yeah. Melon. That’s pretty. Grape. Grape, you better have a grape. Russ. Yam. Bank. Bank. Moss. Gray. This one has more than one syllable. Sam. Yam. Okay, I quit now, I’m sorry, I quit. She’s probably about to pee on herself, I’m sorry. Orchid. Okay, I quit, I quit. Courtney, let us know if you like any of those. Yam. I’m sorry, I’m gonna have to like go back and do like a highlight moss. I know, I’m like, Courtney couldn’t even concentrate. I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. I was being mean, I was being mean, okay.