Unfiltered Reflections: Jay-Z’s Musical Insight on the Past Decade

I don’t know about y’all, but I want a Jay-Z album. I want Jay-Z’s perspective of what’s going on in the world within the last five years, three years, two years. I want Jay-Z’s metaphors, his double entendres. I want to hear how he feels about a lot of topics. It’s been a lot that went on, not only in 2024, we’ve been in a whole pandemic. We’ve been, a lot of lives have been lost in the rap game. I just want to know his mindset. We have the female rappers taking over. I would like to see who we would collab with. We got a lot of young artists, a lot of talented, gifted people. I’m wondering who he thinks is next or who has the patan in the rap game. You know, we got a lot of great albums to be released, a lot of things to happen in hip hop within the last five to 10 years. But today, as I was revisiting a lot of classic albums, when I was listening to current songs, when I was listening to different genres, one person just stuck out to me and it was Jay-Z. What would it be his mindset? Eminem has been releasing, Nas has been releasing, LL even released something. You got the Kendrick, the J.Coles. You got a lot of great acts. You got a lot of party people out there that makes the party club songs. You got a lot of people releasing, but a Jay-Z perspective, I think is needed. I just want a Jay-Z album. I don’t know about y’all.