Supercell Season 2: Cameo Wishlist and Potential Plot Twists

The message was heard officially happening supercell season 2 is on the way right man take your time But don’t have us waiting too long. We had castillo and diggity in season 1 So these are some people that I think should cameo in season 2 This is just an obvious choice get the best UK rapper in there You can even have his character be called Nina. I don’t know why but I just see him having ice powers I’d like to see big nasty in season 2. I feel like he just gives off some crime boss in the chair I don’t know. He could be related to get his character. This one might be a stretch, but it would be dope He could be like head of security for the headquarters of the villains I think he would provide some great comic relief Netflix You saw how well season 1 did give these man the budget low-key kind of another obvious candidate for season 2 He doesn’t have to be in it for a super long time But it just over just shows up and he like just does the eye glow once that would be amazing Let me know of anything you would like to see in supercell season 2