Unpacking the Yonggi Scooter Scandal: Debunking Misconceptions and Prioritizing Perspective

I’ve been holding my tongue on the yonggi situation until it gets situated and now that I’ve seen the actual cctv footage um I’m telling you I’ve done more damage on electric scooter while sober I thought it was cultural differences I gave you guys the benefit of the doubt I was like oh maybe maybe electric scooters are different in Korea that man was going so fucking slow the officers just walked up to him they didn’t even jog they didn’t speed walk they just walked up to him and you guys were acting like he was going 50 miles an hour going under cars going over trucks and everything and frankly even if yonggi was zooming on that scooter I don’t think I have the place to judge him I’m American I live on a college campus you know the shit I’ve done on electric scooters and I’m so sorry to tell you this but I could not give a fuck about a little man on a scooter I unfortunately do pick and choose my battles there are so many worse things in this world than a man on a scooter and I never really trusted K media perhaps it’s because I’ve been watching Sefty Su so I know the shit that they’ve done the way the shit was blown out of proportion I fucking hate y’all there are very few people in this world that I genuinely believe are good people I’m not saying these people are perfect I’m saying they’re good people and they try to be good people I don’t sense any ill intent from them and that would be BTS members and Stephanie Su so unfortunately I think I will have to trust yonggi over K media yonggi has never given me a reason to doubt him K media has even the fall was stupid like yonggi just toppled over my friends and I have gone flying off of an electric scooter plus he already got his license revoked so like he already got his consequences who am I to fucking say anything