Unconventional Job Interview at Target

Next applicant. Oh shit, sorry. Hi, you must be Kaylin Castle. Nice to meet you. Can you tell us a little bit why you were interested in applying to work at Target? This is for Target? You don’t remember where you applied to, ma’am? No, I do. So I apply here because how much do they pay? Well, we do have actually a great salary here. We actually pay about $15.40 an hour. $15? Yes, that’s honestly your business, ma’am. Okay, $15. I could do $15. Am I allowed to be on my phone? Are you interviewing me or am I interviewing you? Oh, my bad. I’m sorry. Can you tell me a little bit about your prior work experience? Something that we received your resume. I shake my ass on the internet sometimes. You’re going to get a lot of customers. Do you have any experience? No, any fans will do. Okay, that’s from stocking shelves. Do you have any experience stocking shelves? Or just shaking ass on the internet? Stocking shelves, stocking shelves. Like putting the items back? Putting the items. Putting items from the inventory on? I’m going to take the items off the shelf and put them in the basket. So you steal? No, not all the time. Just who told you? So how frequently do you shop at Target? All the time. Okay, okay. So you’re familiar with our ethos and all the things that we stand for? I already tell people I work at. Yes. That’s amazing. That’s actually great to know. Have you ever… You brought paparazzi? Don’t worry about it. I mean, he has not allowed to be here? I mean, no. He doubles as security. Why would you have… Next question. If I were to call your previous employers, what are the three qualities that they would say that you have? What was the question? They would say that I’m foreign. They would say I’m fine as fuck. And they would say that I think I’m a good listener. I see. I sing. Oh, you do? Can you sing us something? Should I know any of your songs? What should I know? Can you call one of the other employees to do a beat? Don’t feel the dirty vaginas on our shillings. Come on. Ain’t no for certain you have to know the island. That’s all I’m giving you. You all have to pay for the rap. I don’t think that these are any qualities that we, you know, go for. I said listen, I listen. Have you ever been fired before? Have I been fired? I don’t think I’ve worked nowhere before. So you have no prior work experience. Well, you know what? It’s very nice meeting you today. Did I get the job? Well, ma’am, I don’t know that this is going to necessarily work out here. Like people that straight up. You’re being straight up? Did I get this job or not? Don’t let me have wasted my time. I’m not a person that likes to waste their time. Listen, ma’am. Ma’am? Me? Yes. No, I’m Kaylin. Just Kaylin Castle. The big one, not the little one.