Day Two in Barcelona: Stylish Shopping at the Noble Hotel

Okay, hey guys, it is so hot in here. We are staying at the Noble Hotel in Barcelona, Spain. Today is day two in Barcelona. We’re going shopping. Excuse my nail. It’s been rough. We’re going shopping. So I wanted to do something really comfortable, casual. It is 90 outside ACA ACing. My bag is way the time my set is from revolve, I believe. If not for revolve, it’s from forward. I’ll link everything. Shoes are these little Nike tennis shoes that I got from Nordstrom. And bags Louis Vuitton. Glasses are Lorvay. Whole bunch of Cartier, Rolex, jeweler. Yeah, and then Louis Vuitton earrings. And that’s my look. I really need to take off my necklace. But I just don’t have time. But yeah, we’re going shopping. So let’s go. Oh, wait, I didn’t tell you fragrance. Fragrance is Louis Vuitton symphony mixed with a little bit of biratol young rose. Okay, I’m out.