From Waitress to Homeowner: My Journey of Financial Independence and Farewell to the Service Industry

I’ve been a waitress for almost the last three years. It’s allowed me to pay off all of my debt, help me buy a home without any help from my parents. It has allowed me to like remodel part of this home. I’ve worked as a waitress as well as working a nine-to-five normal job and also doing some freelance like video editing stuff on the side. So it’s been a lot for a long time and I got a good thing going at my nine-to-five and so I was actually able to put in my notice and so tonight’s my last shift and it’s pretty emotional. I know that some friends and family are going to come in for it because they just know how one, how big of a blessing becoming a waitress was because I got this job after I was laid off from my like nine-to-five before and I kept it when I got my new job and now it just doesn’t make sense to have both because I feel like I don’t really get to see Sam and I want to have my weekends back. I only have had Sundays off for like literally three years so it’s exciting. So you can watch me get ready for that and I’ll put my uniform on and probably cry. Okay, I’m done. My last meal and oh fuck off.