Air Store Adventure: From Rainbows to Rings, London Bound Excitement!

your outfit like you are going to the air store tomorrow night 100% this is real like yes oh my god we love it We are making rainbows She said yes okay okay we’re gonna okay we’re gonna give her a ring we’re calling Bri right now okay Be casual, act cool, act cool. I can’t do that. I’m incapable. Hi. Hi guys is that Ashley behind you? Yes this is Ashley. Hi Ashley so do you guys have plans tomorrow night? Well we will be in London. So do you want to come to the with us? Yes. Yay! So you guys you guys got the tickets we saw that you guys have a flight right and you’re coming? Yes we landed at like 8.30am. Amazing cool cool cool so we will meet you at the stadium bring all your bracelets like get your outfit like you are going to the air store tomorrow night 100% this is real like Yes oh my god we love it. Oh my god we are making rainbows. Yes oh my god they are amazing make a Peter one. Oh yes I just saw your post. So cool you guys we are so excited to meet you guys we are so happy we are so sorry about everything that happened in Vienna and like this just like makes us feel so good that we can help you guys out here and we are so excited to meet you guys. Yeah we are so excited. Thank you thank you thank you thank you. Absolutely of course of course of course. We will message you details. Yeah we will message you details I will give you my number just so that like it might be easier to text and we will link up we will meet you guys we will go in and it’s going to be an amazing night. It’s a good view second row of her bowl. It’s going to be great. Yeah of course of course of course. Okay have a great rest of your night guys. Thank you so much. Bye. We did it. I’m so excited.