Love Island Season 6 Reunion Fashion Review: A Deep Dive Into the Stunning Looks and Style Choices

Hello everyone, let’s review the Love Island Season 6 reunion fit. First up we have the Season 6 Queen, obviously. Dress, 8. Face card, A-Max. Bob, 5. Like, she, 8. She fucking 8. Next up we have Jhene, the Barbie herself. To be completely honest, I would have loved to see her in something a little more fitting because her body is so fucking T. But we’re not gonna act like she didn’t eat. Like, she’s still fucking 8. 8! Slay the house boots, zoned. I’m convinced Leah’s type of girl that you could put in a trash bag and she would still look good. Body’s T, face card never fucking declines, like… Huh. Mwah. Chef’s kiss. I only like this outfit because Cordell is wearing it. It’s giving very goofy chic, which is exactly Cordell’s personality. I feel like if you put this outfit on literally anyone else, I would want them apprehended and they would need to serve 6 consecutive life sentences in prison. But only, like, Cordell can just pull this off. Kenny is giving exactly what we knew he would give. Kenny don’t- he doesn’t do too much. He’s very cutesy, he’s very demure. Because he knows that his girl is the show in his relationship. So he’s never gonna do too much. He shows up in the standard exactly what we would want someone to show up in in this type of scenario. That’s what he’s gonna show up in in the 8 fucking down. I just wanna know, can Leah fight… That bitch will kick my ass! Leah, I’m looking respectfully. Your man is fine. Miguel is also the guy that you could put in a trash bag and he was to look good. That’s why they work so well together because they just match each other. They match each other’s freak. Like, literally. 8 down. This is a dress that J-Lo would have worn in the 2000s. Y’all know how I feel about J-Lo. Andrea, girl… Now why does she show up in the dress that she bought to marry Rob? Oh girl, take it off! Liv, fucking 8. Face card, 8. I love the color of this dress and the way… Like, she just ate, okay? The way that she’s wearing this dress, everything. Liv, 8. 8. She said she wanted a revenge dress and baby, did she not show up in a revenge dress? Okay, period. I know Erin is somewhere screaming, crying, throwing up. She fucking ate. You not that bitch, Nathan, but you ate that one little thing, that one little thing. She looks the fuck good. Okay? She looks the fuck good. Baby, drop them drawers and turn the lights down low. Okay, country bumpkin. Fit is ass, but this man is fine as fuck. Yeah. This man is so fine. Dare I say one of the best dressed men at the reunion. Like, okay, little crumpet, you ate that one up. It’s giving Shrek when he drank that potion and turned into a human, with also like a little mix of Gaston. I hope J’Nai tore into his ass at the reunion. I’m covering my drink. I’m covering my drink. It’s giving prom. Um, I like the color, but it’s giving prom. Where do you think he was going? It’s giving that he wanted to dress up as Usher for Halloween. So, yeah. We saw during the show that this man makes his height and the fact that he works out his entire personality and he showed up in an outfit that gives just that. Like, you couldn’t get your mom to iron your pants before you came. Why does this kind of look like a heart? There’s like veins. I don’t mean like a heart like cute. I mean like, like your heart like that. I see the heart right there. There’s the veins and everything. I don’t know. I’m not a fan of it, but her face card is eating as always. She said I will not be caught in a slicked back sparkly dress ever again. This dress, it kind of reminds me of one of the dresses that J’Nai wore on the show. But this dress is cute. I like the dress. Hair is eating. Yeah, I like it. I saw someone compare her to a wine bottle from Target in this dress and that was rude. It was accurate, but that was fucking rude. But I like this dress. I don’t really remember who this is, but yeah, she looks cute. I do not mean this in a bad way at all because she is so pretty and she was so sweet on the show, but her dress is giving. I didn’t have a lot of time on the show and she showed up in a dress that says I do not have a lot of time on the show. I don’t know how to explain it, but those are my comments. I don’t have a lot to say on this. He’s yeah, he’s dressed kind of bland. I guess just a black dress. I know that you can never really go wrong with just a black dress, but like, I don’t know. It doesn’t really show like it doesn’t seem like it’s fitted to her face card is eating. She’s really really pretty but yeah, it’s a black dress. Not much to say. Anyways, those are my thoughts. PPG, you all are in New York right now. I live in New York City. If you want to hang out, please hit me up. Peace and love. Talk to you later.