Backpacks, Shoes, and Cheer Gear: Kalia’s Gear Day Haul Review

Gear Day haul featuring Kalia. We got new backpacks. Yay! Now we’re feeling right them out of 10. Okay they’re not bad but they’re very boxy and like other ones had like the pockets like it wasn’t like this it’s like flat and the pockets were on the inside. I don’t like how these are like out. I feel like it’s a good cheer backpack it’s like good for storage but I don’t. For me it’s a little boxy for class I mean it’s not that deep but also my other backpack has like all my like stuff on it so. Yeah. So we got two pairs of shoes. First pair always classic cheer shoe. Nothing special. We got new shoes for like last year we had Pegasus this year we have Airzooms. These are way cuter and they’re not as like boxy and they’re just like a good running shoe. Also not shown we’re getting new warm-ups and they’re just like Nike zip-ups they’re all navy. Which I love the warm-ups way better than the other ones. Three neon yellow cheer shirts. Three to big bags. So when you see highlighters you know what’s up. You know what’s up. Highlighters. Three these aren’t Nike pros just regular navy shorts. Oh I see what you’re saying. So like if you can see like that’s the band. Okay I think they’re cute. Then just three navy blue sports bras. We probably have like 20 of these by now we have so many. And that’s it. Yeah. Okay.