The Heartwarming Adventures of Miss Peaches: From Rescue to Joy

picking up a new dog to rescue. I’ve heard she’s like the best. Very excited for Miss Peaches. Welcome home Miss Peaches. This is the life. I believe you’ve raised $250,000 all because of Miss Peaches. I gotta get her a stroller. She doesn’t like to walk. Me and Miss Peaches are the emergency room. Now they’re gonna keep her here for 48 hours. They’re going home. Welcome to near pocket. They didn’t tell you you’d have your own private peach in this shelter. I got a painting. Look at this girl sitting in the water. You brought so much happiness to so many people so quickly. The big day you’re getting the bone to the city. There’s so many Miss Peaches out there. She’s the best. She’s my life. Thinking about getting a dog, there’s Miss Peaches for you. I highly recommend it. Plop into the rescue. You look amazing. You have a voice. How are you on that side of the gate? I don’t even know how to get you out of here, Peachy. The bell of the ball has arrived. I really couldn’t imagine my life without her now. So thank you from me and Miss Peaches.