Unpacking the Marvel POIs on Fortnite: Dr. Doom’s Role and the Hunt for Ben Grimm’s Point of Interest

The internet is going crazy! So Marvel was showcasing all their brand new Marvel POIs coming up next season. Dr. Doom made it thrown out of the thing! Really? Why can’t a Fantastic Four catch a break man? Thank God my boy Ben Grimm! We have to protect Mother at all costs. I can’t believe it took Fortnite for me to realize the Fantastic Four are simply not built for this. Yo now that I think about it, the thing’s pants are exactly where you sit. Yo hold up. Dr. Doom is sitting on the thing’s boulder. You gotta be a special type of freak to be doing that, I’m not gonna lie. Even I didn’t think about that and that’s saying a lie. This is for my boy Ben Grimm. Where can I find his POI? Because the things I’m gonna do, the emotes I can do, I’m gonna go crazy.