Nursing Adventures: Surviving Three Shifts in a Row

Good morning! It’s the shift three of three. Let’s go. Okay, I am about to leave. It’s actually cold out today. I think it’s like, I don’t know, probably like 10 degrees right now. Not used to that and I didn’t bring a sweater. Oops, but that’s okay, we’ll survive. Now I’m going to Starbucks. I haven’t gone to Starbucks all three days, but it’s shift three of three and I need to go to Starbucks. So let’s get a latte. Okay, it’s like 1 p.m. I’m just going for lunch and look what I got. Never mind, this does not look very good. So it was sourdough goji. Okay, so I thought it would be nice sourdough. This doesn’t look very good. Okay, let’s see. Mmm. It’s not bad, but it’s not worth nine dollars. A little recap of the day. In our surgical step down unit, higher level monitoring, like cardiac monitoring. So I’ve discharged two patients. I got one patient and that’s my day. This is me post 312s in a row. I ran out of the hospital, got home, had a smoothie, showered, and now I’m in my pajamas and it’s like 9 p.m. And I think I’m going to go to bed. Good night.